Chaturbhuji Barao village is located in Piro subdivision of Bhojpur district in Bihar, India. It is situated 5km away from sub-district headquarter Piro (tehsildar office) and 40km away from district headquarter Arrah. As per 2009 stats, Barnaw is the gram panchayat of Barao village. Village has many ancient temples having heritage sculptures of more than 2000 years old which needs to be preserved and the village can be developed for spiritual tourism spot in Bihar.

The total geographical area of village is 625 hectares. Barao has a total population of 7,230 peoples, out of which male population is 3,768 while female population is 3,462. Literacy rate of barao village is 51.19% out of which 62.87% males and 38.47% females are literate. There are about 1,134 houses in barao village. Pincode of barao village locality is 802159.

Piro is nearest town to barao for all major economic activities, which is approximately 5km away.